

政法类 公办 普通本科

福建警察学院(Fujian Police College),简称“福建警院”,是一所以培养公安机关人民警察和公共安全保卫专业人才为主的全日制本科院校,是福建省唯一的公安高等学府,实行省公安厅和省教育厅双重领导,以福建省公安厅为主的管理体制。 学院的前身是始建于1949年8月的福建省警务干部学校,2007年5月15日,教育部批准正式建立福建警察学院。2010年10月,省委省政府决定调整福建警察学院、福建警官职业学院办学体制,组建新的福建警察学院。2018年1月,学校新增为福建省2018-2020年硕士学位授予培育单位立项建设名单。 截至2018年1月,学院坐落在福州市仓山区南台岛,占地面积510亩,校舍建筑总面积约15.3万平方米。学院有教职工431人,其中正高职称33人,副高职称114人。设有11个教学机构;开设有6个公安司法类本科专业、3个普通类本科专业,其中,公安学和公安技术为省级重点学科,行政管理和作战指挥学为福建省新建本科高等学校重点学科。学院全日制在校生4900余人,每年培训在职民警5000余人(次)。

Fujian Police College

Politics and law public general undergraduate

Fujian Police College (FUJIAN POLICE COLLEGE), referred to as "FUJIAN POLICE COLLEGE", is a full-time undergraduate College that focuses on cultivating professionals of the people's Police and public security in the public security organs. It is the only public security institution of higher learning in Fujian Province. Under the dual leadership of the Provincial Public Security Department and the Provincial Education Department, FUJIAN POLICE COLLEGE is the only public security institution in Fujian Province. Management system based on the Public Security Department of Fujian Province. The college's predecessor was Fujian Provincial Police Cadre School, which was founded in August 1949. On May 15, 2007, the Ministry of Education approved the formal establishment of Fujian Provincial Police College. In October 2010, the provincial Party committee and provincial government decided to adjust the education system of Fujian Police College and Fujian Vocational Police College, and set up a new Fujian Police College. In January 2018, the university was added to the list of Master Degree Awarding and Cultivation Units in Fujian Province for 2018-2020. As of January 2018, the college is located in Nantai Island, Cangshan District, Fuzhou, covering an area of 510 mu, with a total building area of about 153,000 square meters. There are 431 faculty and staff members in the college, among whom 33 are professors and 114 are associate professors. It has 11 teaching institutions; The university offers 6 undergraduate programs of Public Security Judiciary and 3 general undergraduate programs, among which Public Security Science and Public Security Technology are provincial key disciplines, and Administration Management and Combat Command Science are provincial key disciplines of newly-established universities in Fujian Province. The college has a full-time enrollment of more than 4,900 students and trains more than 5,000 on-the-job police officers every year.




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