​BBC双语新闻 - 澳大利亚最新移民要求

BBC双语新闻 - 澳大利亚最新移民要求

Australia to halve immigration intake, toughen English test for students 澳大利亚将减半移民配额,加强学生英语考试要求

The Australian government says it will halve the migration intake within two years in a bid to fix the country's "broken" immigration system.


The annual intake will be slashed to 250,000 - roughly in line with pre-pandemic levels - by June 2025.


Visa rules for international students and low-skilled workers will also be tightened under the new plan.


Migration has climbed to record levels in Australia, adding pressure to housing and infrastructure woes.


But there remains a shortage of skilled workers, and the country struggles to attract them.


Unveiling a new 10-year immigration strategy at a media briefing on Monday, Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil said the migration system had been left "in tatters" by the previous government.


A review earlier this year found the system was "badly broken" - unnecessarily complex, slow and inefficient - and in need of "major reform".


A record 510,000 people came to Australia in the year to June 2023, but the minister said her government would "bring numbers back under control" and reduce the annual migration intake by around 50%.


Among the new measures are tougher minimum English-language requirements for international students, and more scrutiny of those applying for a second visa - they must prove that any further study would advance their academic aspirations or their careers.


There are some 650,000 foreign students in Australia, with many of them on their second visa, according to official data.


The visa pathways for migrants with "specialist" or "essential" skills - like highly-skilled tech workers or care workers - have also been improved to offer better prospects of permanent residency.


The new policies will attract more of the workers Australia needs and help reduce the risk of exploitation for those who live, work and study in the country, Ms O'Neil said.


Opposition migration spokesman Dan Tehan has said that the government was too slow to adjust migration policies designed to help Australia recover from the pandemic.

反对党移民发言人丹·特汉(Dan Tehan)表示,政府在调整旨在帮助澳大利亚从疫情中恢复的移民政策方面行动太慢。

"The horse has bolted when it comes to migration and the government not only cannot catch it but cannot find it," he said on the weekend.


The Labor government's popularity has dwindled since its election last year, and in recent weeks it has been under pressure from some quarters to temporarily reduce migration to help ease Australia's housing crisis.


However others, like the Business Council of Australia, have said migrants are being used as a scapegoat for a lack of investment in affordable housing and decades of poor housing policy.

然而,澳大利亚商业委员会(Business Council of Australia)等其他机构表示,移民正被用作经济适用房投资不足和数十年来糟糕的住房政策的替罪羊。





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